The Problem: Under performing I/T investments and high staff turnover.
Few employees really make full use of the technology tools provided to them. One of the greatest problems facing most I/T managers is recruiting and retaining good talent.
The Solution: Vision and innovation.
We were recognized as a technology leader and center of I/T excellence within UDI, who was recognized by Information Week magazine as #34 in its 2000 annual listing of the 500 most innovative users of information technology. This put us ahead of IBM, Lucent, FedEx and HP in the rankings.
In a time when other companies were struggling to get I/T staff, we were recognized in an article in Financial Executive magazine for low staff turnovers, keeping employees and hiring on word of mouth referrals, largely because of vision and commitment to practical technologies such as:
- Lotus Notes for e-mail, work flow and discussion data bases.
- Lotus QuickPlace for virtual project coordination.
- Lotus SameTime for business chat sessions.
- Video conferencing at all key locations, complemented by sharing of PC applications using Microsoft NetMeeting over wide area networks.
- Intranets for reporting and sharing of data by employees.
- E-commerce and extranets for customers
- Disaster recovery planning
- Multiple networking platforms for best of breed applications, including Microsoft, Novell and Linux.
- Integrated business systems on AS/400 platforms including Mac-Pac and J.D. Edwards.
- Application of T1, frame relay, voice over IP and dial up to optimize response times and cost trade-offs.